Donna Housman, EdD,
clinical psychologist and founder, CEO, and president of Beginnings
IN THE COUNTRY that has developed a comprehensive curriculum around
self-regulation, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and
responsible decision-making, discusses the reasons children need to learn these skills before they turn 4
years old as well as how their learning and social development are compromised
without these skills.
It seems obvious; when you feel good about yourself and your
relationships and can listen, process, and communicate your ideas, then you are
open to more challenging tasks and learning. In other words, when children are
not preoccupied or worried about their most basic emotional needs, they can
This is not new information. There is just more and more
research pouring out of school-laboratories, graduate programs, psychological case
studies, and comparisons of educational models worldwide. So why aren’t we
changing what pre-school looks like in light of this information? Why aren’t we
offering classes, workshops, and training to new parents around developing
these skills in the first three years of a child’s life? Why aren’t nanny agencies
picking up on this and offering trained SEL professionals to spend time with
your young children? Why aren’t graduate schools offering Masters in Early
Childhood Education focusing on Social Emotional Learning? With all of this
research why is there only ONE PRE-SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY implementing this